When The Work Began .... Past Events

In Plain Sight

On January 10, 2019, The Minerva Foundation, Inc. (TMFI) presented A Community Forum entitled, In Plain Sight: Let’s Put an End to Sex Trafficking. The event took place at Shaw Temple AME Zion Church and the keynote speaker was Susan Norris of Rescuing Hope. We sincerely appreciated the presence and participation of all in attendance as well as the event committee which included: Linda Bostick, Connie Morris, Tonia Nelson, Sharon Johnson, Cicely Breckenridge, Toni Carlisle, R. Syntel Brown, Alisha Gosha-Page and Jennifer Allen. For more information about Rescuing Hope: Contact Susan Norris, Founder/Executive Director: 1750 Powder Springs Road, Suite 190, Box 112, Marietta, GA 30064, www.rescuinghope.com, 404-388-0483

Wine & Wellness-Taking Control of Your Health & Your Wealth

On Sunday December 9, 2013, The Minerva Foundation Inc. hosted a Wine & Wellness-Taking Control of Your Health & Your Wealth event in partnership with Melaleuca, The Wellness Company at the home of one of our Board Members. Patricia Mack was the guest speaker that shared valuable insights about the safety of everyday consumer products we all use on a regular basis. At this event TMFI announced a fundraising initiative where TMFI would be placed in a first-generation position of Melaleuca’s affiliate marketing program to earn money from the sales of anyone that signed up under the Foundation.

Healthy Moves 5K & Health Expo
Founded in 2011, the Healthy Moves Initiative is a nonprofit organization committed to improving the health and wellbeing of Cobb County residents through promoting an active, fitness regimen, proper nutritional habits and health education and monitoring. The Minerva Foundation partnered with the Healthy Moves Initiative, Inc. from 2011 – 2014 to offer an signature annual event of the Initiative, the Healthy Moves 5K & Health Expo. Held on the picturesque campus of Life University, this capstone activity sought to bring together the Cobb County, Georgia community for a day of fitness, education, fellowship and fun for the entire family. The Healthy Moves Expo was designed to provide everything you need to create, establish, maintain or enhance a healthy, happy and productive lifestyle and is free to the general public. Attendees were exposed to over 25 exhibitors, vendors and sponsors who exhibited their healthy goods and services. The Healthy Moves Initiative received its initial funding and support from The Minerva Foundation and Chi Gamma Gamma Foundation, both nonprofit organizations based in Marietta, GA.
The focus of the Health Expo centered on the three “I”s:
Information: educating you on ways to establish and improve your health, fitness and nutritional practices.
Implementation: jump starting and activating your path to a healthier lifestyle.
Inspiration: providing the drive and encouragement to start, maintain or advance your health and wellness goals.